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Navigating the Journey: Top Tips for PCSing as a Military Family

24 April 2024 by

For military families, Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders are a familiar part of life. While the prospect of moving to a new duty station can be exciting, the process itself can be overwhelming.

From packing up your belongings to settling into a new community, there are countless details to manage. Fortunately, with careful planning and preparation, PCSing can be a smoother and less stressful experience for you and your family.

Here are some valuable tips to help military families navigate the PCS process with ease:

(1) Start Early:

Begin planning for your move as soon as you receive your PCS orders. Create a timeline outlining important milestones such as sorting belongings, scheduling movers, and notifying utilities. Starting early allows you to tackle tasks gradually, reducing the last-minute rush.

(2) Stay Organized:

Maintain a detailed checklist to keep track of all the tasks involved in your move. Consider using digital tools or apps to manage important documents, contacts, and deadlines. Organizing paperwork such as medical records, school transcripts, and housing documents will streamline the transition process.

Check out this PCS checklist from Military OneSource: https://planmymove.militaryonesource.mil/ or another favorite PCS checklist resource from Kate Horrell: https://www.katehorrell.com/the-ultimate-pcs-guide-to-packing-out/

(3) Research Your New Duty Station:

Take the time to learn about your new duty station and its surrounding area. Research housing options, schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational activities available to your family. Understanding the local amenities and resources will help you make informed decisions and ease the transition for everyone.

(4) Utilize Military Resources:

Take advantage of the support and resources available through the military community. Reach out to your installation's relocation assistance program for guidance and assistance with your move. Military Family Support Centers and online forums can also provide valuable tips and advice from fellow military families who have experienced PCS moves.

(5) Communicate with Your Family:

Open communication is key during the PCS process. Involve your family members in the planning and decision-making process, especially children who may have concerns or questions about the move. Encourage them to express their feelings and address any anxieties they may have.

(6) Pack Strategically:

When packing for your move, prioritize essential items and valuables that you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new duty station. Consider creating a "PCS essentials" box containing important documents, medications, toiletries, and a few days' worth of clothing. Label boxes clearly and color-code them by room to facilitate unpacking.

(7) Take Care of Yourself:

Amidst the chaos of moving, remember to prioritize self-care for yourself and your family. Get plenty of rest, eat well-balanced meals, and make time for relaxation and stress relief activities. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being will help you stay resilient throughout the PCS process.

PCSing as a military family may present its challenges, but with careful planning, organization, and support, it can also be an opportunity for growth and adventure.

By following these tips and leveraging the resources available to you, you can navigate the PCS process with confidence and make your transition to a new duty station a smooth and successful one.

For the seasoned military families, what are some of your helpful tips to a successful PCS?  Share in the comments below!

Safe travels on your journey ahead!

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