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TRICARE covers breast pumps and breast pump supplies at no cost for new mothers, including mothers who adopt an infant and plan to breastfeed

30 January 2016 by

TRICARE covers breast pumps and breast pump supplies at no cost for new mothers, including mothers who adopt an infant and plan to breastfeed.

Via Tricare.mil Website: 

You must have a prescription from a TRICARE-authorized physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or nurse midwife. The prescription will state which type of breast pump you need:

  • Hospital-grade breast pump
  • Manual breast pump
  • Standard electric breast pump

This coverage is retroactive to December 19, 2014.  If you paid out-of-pocket, you can send a claim for reimbursement. 

Include the following with your claim:

  • Your prescription
  • Itemized receipt

Breast Pumps

Manual and Standard Electric Breast Pumps

TRICARE covers one manual or standard electric breast pump per birth event (birth or adoption).

Hospital-Grade Breast Pumps

TRICARE covers electric hospital-grade breast pumps and supplies when needed for mothers and infants:

  • Who are separated due to illness
  • Who are unable to feed directly from the breast because of medical reasons

When a hospital-grade breast pump is no longer needed, you may be covered for a manual or standard electric breast pump. A new prescription is required.

Breast Pump Supplies

TRICARE covers the following supplies for up to 36 months after the birth event:

  • Standard power adapters
  • Tubing and tubing adaptors
  • Locking rings
  • Bottles and bottle caps
  • Shield/splash protectors
  • Storage bags

TRICARE also covers two breast pump kits per birth event.

How to Get Covered Breast Pumps and Supplies

You can get breast pumps and supplies from a TRICARE-Authorized ProviderAn authorized provider is any individual, institution/organization, or supplier that is licensed by a state, accredited by national organization, or meets other standards of the medical community, and is certified to provide benefits under TRICARE. There are two types of TRICARE-authorized providers: Network and Non-Network., supplier, or vendor. For manual or standard electric breast pumps, this includes any civilian retail store or pharmacy.

If you pay out-of-pocket, you can send a claim for reimbursement. Include the following with your claim:

  • Your prescription
  • Itemized receipt


TRICARE doesn't cover:

  • Breast pump batteries, battery-powered adapters, and battery packs
  • Regular “baby bottles” (Bottles not specific to pump operation), including associated nipples, caps, and lids
  • Travel bags and other similar carrying accessories
  • Breast pump cleaning supplies
  • Baby weight scales
  • Garments and other products that allow hands-free pump operation
  • Ice packs, labels, labeling lids, and other similar products
  • Nursing bras, bra pads, breast shells, and other similar products
  • Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and other products that relieve breastfeeding related symptoms or conditions of the breasts or nipples

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